Lesson Blog #15 - Miyama Jishi (御山獅子), pt. 4

Sensei wanted me to do the maeuta from Miyama Jishi this week mostly by myself, and I failed spectacularly at that. I actually practiced (what I thought was) fairly well this past week, but due to my work schedule, I was unbelievably tired by the time I got home from work today. Two Redbulls later, and I still felt like I was dragging! That certainly wasn't the healthiest option, and it failed anyway... I am grateful that sensei is always very patient with me, even when it is obvious that I am not doing well for whatever reason or another. Once we played together, and I tried to repeat the section back, there was a decent amount of improvement. I feel like part of the issue is that I second guess myself when she asks me to play on my own first. I need to trust myself a little more in that regard.

Next week, we are going to work on the tegoto. Most of that doesn't cause me too much trouble with this piece, but the chirashi and naka-chirashi are a little tricky for me.


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