Lesson Blog #11 - Iso Chidori (磯千鳥), pt. 3

I feel terrible because I had yet another week where I did not practice as I should. I have got to figure out a way to give myself a little push again. It's not for lack of wanting to play. I believe that other personal life issues have gotten in the way. I may have to go back to a more rigid practice schedule in order to make sure I do what I need to do.

My sensei had intended that I be able to do some of the piece more independently this week. I definitely could not do the maeuta or atouta on my own. I was able to go through the makura, naka chirashi, and chirashi on my own but with some minor issues.

I have two weeks until my next lesson since my sensei will be out of town next week. I hope to show her that I have vastly improved!


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