Lesson Blog #5 - Tanuki (たぬき), pt. 3 and Kyo Kanoko Musume Dojo-ji (京鹿子娘道成寺)

This week, we completed Tanuki (たぬき) and began a new piece - Kyo Kanoko Musume Dojo-ji (京鹿子娘道成寺). In finishing Tanuki, I had to play and sing the maeuta, tegoto, and atouta solo. My speed was still not quite as fast as the ideal for the maeuta and atouta, but since the accuracy was there, my teacher did not mind so much. We did play it all together for a second time at a quicker pace, but I felt that I was struggling to keep with the singing part, as I still have a hard time reading hiragana characters quickly. I am happiest about the tegoto since the techniques are quite difficult (ura hajiki and soto hajiki). Suprisingly, I was able to get through even the toughest parts with few errors this week.

As previously mentioned, we began a new piece this week. Kyo Kanoko Musume Dojo-ji is a very famous nagauta piece. Like the version of Echigo-jishi that I did several weeks ago, this is a version that has been adapted for jiuta. We quickly played over the first several parts, and nothing struck me as particularly difficult, but it was quite fun!

Sheet music (Kyo Kanoko Musume Dojo-ji)
(click on images to enlarge)


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