Preparing for Kaiden

My sensei sent me the two versions of her revised curriculum, and after I complete a relatively small amount of pieces more, I will be able to apply for omenjo kaiden (皆伝, "complete transmission") and be able to teach officially (not that I have been teaching yet as I don't feel that would be the right thing to do until I have completed kaiden). I am not sure yet if I will take on students, but if someone were interested, I'd love the challenge!

These are the pieces I have yet to complete to be eligible for kaiden (this is from both of my sensei's curricula combined, in no particular order):

There are additional pieces I would need to complete if I wanted to apply for kyoshi, but this is level is intended for those who have studied both shamisen and koto and who want to teach. I have also completed a few of those pieces, but I plan to study them whether or not I ever apply for kyoshi.


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